Supply Chain Coordination Limited


Publication Scheme

Our publication scheme, drawn up under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, fulfils the requirements of the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) as per the model publication scheme for public authorities. 

The purpose of this publication scheme is to set out:

The publication scheme fulfils the requirements of the Information Commissioner as set out in this model publication scheme for FOI public authorities supported by the Commissioner’s definition document for government agencies.

Who we are and what we do

SCCL is the commercially astute management function for NHS Supply Chain. It proudly delivers supply chain excellence and best value to NHS customers and patients through innovation, service and clinical expertise. SCCL oversees the continuous improvement of the NHS Supply Chain operating model including the delivery and performance of its Category Towers and Logistics and Supporting Technology Services.

SCCL was incorporated on 25 July 2017 and is a company registered in England and Wales, company number 10881715. NHS Commissioning Board and NHS England (NHSE) are the shareholders of SCCL.

SCCL is a separate organisation to NHSE.

What we spend and how we spend it

Annual Reports and Financial Statements

Allowances and Expenses

Requests of allowances and expenses for Board members and senior executives are available upon request by emailing

Payments over £25,000

Payments over £25,000 can be viewed, downloaded or requested by visiting the Spend Over £25,000 page.

Our priorities

SCCL produces an annual Business Plan, which is presented to the SCCL Board for approval every year. Once approved SCCL monitors its progress against the objectives set within the plan.

How we make decisions

SCCL is governed by a Board, made up of directors and non-executive directors. Meeting on a regular basis.

Our policies and procedures

SCCL operates in accordance with written polices and protocols to support the delivering of its business functions and responsibilities.

Policies relating to the conduct of business, provision of services, data protection, records management can be viewed on How We Are Governed page or available upon request by emailing

Lists and registers

SCCL registers including Director Interests and Gifts and Hospitality are available upon request by emailing See our Freedom of Information page for details.

Services we offer

NHS Supply Chain manages the sourcing, delivery and supply of healthcare products, services and food for NHS trusts and healthcare organisations across England and Wales.

Additional information

This publication scheme is not a list of individual publications but rather a description of the classes or types of information that we are committed to publishing and is not an exhaustive list of information.

Our policy is to publish proactively as much information as we can, where the information would have a wider public interest and does not include information that we consider to be sensitive, such as certain types of commercial or personal information, or information about security matters or which comprises legal advice.

Where publications are not available online, details of how to obtain printed copies are provided.


SCCL publishes most information online, where it is available for you to view free of charge. Printed copies of web page(s) can be sent free of charge. The following may incur a charge:

Any charges made will be to cover the costs of photocopying, postage and packing.

You will be advised in advance of supplying the information if there is a charge and why, how much it will be and how to make payment before any information is sent.


All material available through publication scheme is subject to SCCL copyright unless otherwise indicated.

Unless expressly indicated on the material to the contrary, it may be reproduced free of charge in any format or medium, provided it is reproduced accurately and not used in a misleading manner.

Where any of the copyright items in this scheme are being re-published or copied by others, you must identify the source of the material and acknowledge the copyright status.

Permission to reproduce material does not extend to any material accessed through the Publication Scheme that is the copyright of third parties. You must obtain authorisation to reproduce such material from the copyright holders concerned.