Thank you for the FOI enquiry requesting information on:
- Wound dressing product data (codes set out below). Data to include NPC, Base Description, Secondary Description, Brand, Units, Supplied Quantity, Supplied Eaches and Sales figures for the full 12 month period.
Product codes:
- Mepilex Border Post-op: ELA1146, ELA1167, ELA1168, ELA1169, ELA1170, ELA1171, ELA1172, ELA380, ELA381, ELA714, ELA577.
- Mepilex Border Ag: ELA516, ELA517, ELA518, ELA520, ELA523, ELA779, ELA830, ELA519, ELA521, ELA522, ELA524.
- OpSite Post Op Visible: ELW336, ELW227, ELW228, ELW229, ELW306, ELW307, ELW308, ELW049.
- Opsite Post-Op: ELW045, ELW050, ELW051, ELW052, ELW092.
- Leukomed sorbact: ELY579, ELY580, ELY581, ELY582, ELY583, ELY584, ELY587, ELY578, ELY585.
- Aquacel Surgical: ELY323, ELY324, ELY325, ELY326, ELY402.
- Aquacel Ag Surgical: ELY341, ELY342, ELY343, ELY344, ELY403.
The request was handled as a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. SCCL have provided the following response to the above request, see attached response.