Supply Chain Coordination Limited

Enquiry on vending machines

Vending machines

Reference: SCCL-FOI-2024/25-036 Date: 4 June 2024

Thank you for your FOI request received by the FOI office for the following information:

How many vending machines are in use across the whole NHS (this applies to all types of food
and drink vending machines)?
A breakdown of:
How many of these vending machines are connected to the network/internet?
How many vending machines are not connected to any type of network (ie old fashioned
vending machines)?
How many vending machines are assigned to specific healthcare Trusts?
How many vending machines are at individual hospitals across the country?
Which vending machine suppliers cover which Healthcare Trusts?

Your request has been handled as a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act
2000 and SCCL have provided a response in the attached document.
