Supply Chain Coordination Limited

Enquiry on PPE Contract

PPE Contract

Reference: SCCL-FOI-2023/24-118 Date: 25 April 2024

Thank you for your FOI request received by the FOI office requesting the following information:

How many items were wasted and/or rejected in the following PPE contract and the present whereabouts of the PPE ordered.

The Department of Health and Social Care [the ‘Authority’] has awarded a contract to Liaoning Zhongqiao for the supply of Personal Protective Equipment to protect Health and Care Workers for contracting the Covid 19 disease.

Value of contract


Procurement reference


Published date

6 January 2021

Link – Supply of Personal Protective Equipment for Healthcare Workers for the Care of Patients with Suspected or Confirmed Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) – Contracts Finder

Your request has been handled as a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and SCCL can provide a response in the attached.
