Supply Chain Coordination Limited

Enquiry on Covid PPE

Covid PPE

Reference: SCCL-FOI-2023/24-079 Date: 27 October 2023

Thank you for your FOI request received by the FOI office for the following information:

  1. To the most recent date available, how much Covid PPE (number of items and estimated cost) remains in storage in the UK? 
  2. To the most recent date available, what is the total cost to the public purse of storing all of the unused Covid PPE?
  3. How much of the currently stored Covid PPE (Q1) is still suitable to be provided for use in the NHS and within expiry?
  4. To the most recent date available, how much Covid PPE (number of items and estimated cost) has been safely disposed of? 
  5. Where is the unused Covid PPE being stored?  If exact location is not possible due to commercial interests, a breakdown of the approximate number of items by region or county?
  6. To the most recent date available, how much has been paid to the company Uniserve to store Covid PPE?

Your request has been handled as a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and SCCL are able to provide a response in the attached document.
